
2015, We’ve Made It!

Welcome, 2015. I’m digging you already. And I’m more than happy to look back at 2014 and forward to this year. This will be my third annual recap, and though last year was a big jumble (a good one), I’m not giving up on holding myself accountable and continuing to set some annual goals. Except I’m skipping my top 5 favorite recipes (I really did cook) and my top 5 most popular blog posts BECAUSE I haven’t been blogging about much, whoops. Here goes nothing.

Top 5 Accomplishments  
  1. Moving to Austin!
  2. Presenting at my firms women’s summit
  3. Completing an awesome wood Texas booth sign for Longhorn Fashions
  4. Genuinely living an active lifestyle
  5. Helping host a family benefit and meeting our fundraising goal of $50K
Top To-Do's for 2014 (STATUS RECAP)
  1. Create a website for Kitsy Co that showcases my art portfolio, tells about my endeavors and links to my Etsy shop (selling directly from my site may not come until 2015) – Uhhhh, this goal transitioned. I decided to revamp my Etsy shop’s look, feel and listings first (in progress). And I did make a professional portfolio website for myself, so I’m just going to count that too.
  2. Finish a couple of lingering projects – a mesquite wood sideboard table and bottle cap art piece. – Fail. We moved to Austin. Priorities changed, and we don’t have room in our house for anything else!
  3. Sell more art… whether on Etsy, locally or through a show. – Not a lot of progress, but some. Did make new art and create a really cool new piece for a friend, though. And I have 5 new big pieces in progress that are going to be FOR SELL (and hopefully stepping stones for new business).
  4. Work on tailoring my blog editorial calendar, which includes crafting more functional posts (how-to’s, DIY projects, tips, free printables, etc)... especially since I'm not able to post as frequently. – Fail. I’ve totally neglected the blog. No excuses. Just not truly a priority.
  5. Live a more active life style, which includes, but is not limited to, cycling, taking my dogs on more runs/walks, kayaking… let’s throw in a 5K and my first cycling race. – Active life style, 200% check. I feel like I did it all last year. And while I did not run an official 5k, I ran a billion of them on Nike Running, set multiple personal bests, and signed up for my first 10k for this April, woot woot. I didn’t do a formal cycling race either, BUT I totally geared up and am ready to focus on it after my 10k.
  6. Find a church and go to church… regularly. – Church, check. Regularly? Working on it. But I did go more than  once! AND I even went to Christmas mass in ATX with Jeff and without any guilty pressure from my Mom or Memaw. Seriously, progress. I think the only Christmas mass I’ve ever been to has been in my hometown.
  7. Enjoy life. Explore Austin. Go to some shows. Be spontaneous. Lay in bed all day without feeling guilty. Quit acting like an old person, take a few step backs from being an adult and live life. – Check, all of the above, 200%, and partially to blame for not accomplishing all my other 2014 to-do’s. AND I DON’T CARE.
Before I move onto to 2015, let me just say that I over-committed myself on goals last year. There is a reason why I only did 5 for 2013. And seriously, moving back to Austin and reacclimating could have been/should have been the only goal I had. Note taken. And actually, last year I called them “to-do’s.” That’s no fun. Goals. Here we go!

Five 2015 Goals
  2. Run a 10k in under 10 min/mile.
  3. Sell 5 Texas-style wood art pieces.
  4. Spring 2015 - Finish the Kitsy Co revamp/transition on Etsy.
  5. Fall 2015 - Create a basic Kitsy Co portfolio/redirect website. (Yup, trying this again.)
#ithinkican #ithinkican #ithinkican

2014 was amazing, stressful, spontaneous, adventurous, and all of the above. And it was definitely accentuated by being back in ATX. But for 2015, since we’re already back in Austin, we’ve got a lot of the “newbie-ness” out of our system, we don’t have the stress of owning a house, and we don’t have kids  yet, I have very high hopes for escalated adventures, whatever they may be. Also, I had a ton of clarity this past year – in regard to work, future dreams, Kitsy Co, etc. It’s super refreshing and hopefully the start of some speedy, focused life progress. So, cheers to 2015!



Don't forget to visit my shop, Kitsy Co!

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