
PYRC #12: Baked Pesto Chicken and Cilantro Thai Grilled Chicken

This blog post is about none other than chicken - Baked Chicken Pesto and Cilantro Thai Grilled Chicken. Since chicken is such a staple in our diet (not a lose-weight thing) and since we had the ingredients on hand, these recipes were easy to squeeze in for dinner. I made both of them for dinner (separate nights) a couple of weeks ago.

Baked Pesto Chicken

One night we wanted something yummy but that was easy and on-hand, and since our basil plants at the time were actually just big enough to start using, I decided to make chicken pesto.

I'm actually kind of surprised I didn't figure this recipe out on my own considering I've made a cilantro pesto chopped chicken rendition before. Disregarding majority of the directions, I whipped up some pesto in my mini food processor (olive oil, salt, garlic, basil, dash of lemon), spread it on the bottom of a glass Pyrex dish, laid chicken breast tenders on top of the pesto (perfectly sized chicken), and then spread the rest of the pesto on top of the chicken. I then baked it on 350 for 35 minutes. Way too easy and yummy to even be considered a recipe. If you want to follow the actual steps that guided me, check out the recipe here at Kalyn's Kitchen.

Cilantro Thai Grilled Chicken

As mentioned, we cook the heck out of chicken, especially marinated chicken on the grill. This recipe was for a Thai marinade and was right up our alley. We threw the ingredients together in a bag - garlic, cilantro, soy sauce and sesame oil - and let the chicken marinade for a couple of hours before cooking it. Maybe we didn't let it marinade long enough though, because after cooked, the flavor was just not bold enough. While flavorful on the outside and good in taste, after biting in, the marinade flavor quickly disappeared against the chicken. I much rather prefer the chicken picatta marinade we previously tried from Plain Chicken (recipe blog post here). Anyway, I'll let you be the judge. The Cilantro Thai Grilled Chicken recipe can be found here at Artsy-Foodie.

Baked Pesto Chicken = success. Cilantro Thai Grilled Chicken = Maybe you'll have better luck.

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