
PYRC #49: Ham and Cheese Sliders

At my family's 2011 Super Bowl party, my cousin brought the. best. ham and cheese sliders. I completely forgot to snag the recipe, but when a similar one passed me by on Pinterest (who knows, could have been the same recipe), it was pinned and immeidately on my radar. I've been waiting (for way too long) for the perfect opportunity to test these sliders, and low and behold came a work baby shower... for twins! Opportunity prevailed. Ham and cheese sliders. Done.

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I was a little paranoid about how they would turn out. I decided to cook them in the convection at work so they'd be ooey gooey melty rather than baking them at home and warming then the next day. Well, odds seemed to be against me. I had never used the convection oven. Timing/temp was off since the sliders had been refrigerated. I started too late and was frantically trying to cook while wrapping up my work day. I forgot to rotate the dish mid-cooking, and one side didn't heat all the way . And I burnt my hand on the convection oven.

Sooooo... none of it mattered. Awesome sliders. Melt in your mouth sliders. Smothered in low-cal ingredients (haha, yeah right), they were nearly impossible to ruin. The melty ooey-gooey ness was a major perk.

Pre-cooked. Butter smothered madness.

Ooey gooey Swiss cheese

Mustard-y goodness

Oh, did i mention they were covered in things like butter and mayo? I don't even like mayo!

And they were accompanied by an abundance of tasty shower treats.

But really, these sliders were TOTAL hit. I am dying to make them again, almost all were eaten, I was thankful to have three left for leftovers, I'm craving them as I write this, and I had numerous people ask me to share the recipe. I'm not taking any credit for the original recipe. I just think I'd be doing my readers a dis-favor to not share.

Drum roll... you can find this ham and cheese sliders recipe from The Girl Who Ate Everything (recipe here). Giving proper credit, this recipe was actually adapted from I Cook with the Recipe Club. Either blog will give you the recipe you need. I used the former.

Make. These. Now. Or for your next party coming up. And don't count the calories. You'll scare yourself out of making them.


Don't forget to visit my shop, Kitsy Co!

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