
PYRC #29: Cajun Chicken Stuffed with Pepper Jack Cheese & Spinach

Congratulations to me. For the first time ever, this Pinterest Yummy Recipe Challenge received a big fat F. Wait, let me clarify, the recipe didn't receive an F. My execution received an F. And F does not stand for F-awesome. F stands for FAIL. If the picture could have portrayed taste, I would have submitted it to Pintrosity.

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I decided to make this chicken when we randomly had leftover pepper jack cheese in the fridge. It looked delicious, so I was pretty sure it would be delicious. I followed all the proper steps and ingredients, well, for the most part, EXCEPT I used Tony Chachere’s seasoning in place of the blogger's homemade Cajun seasoning. Since Tony's is labeled as creole seasoning, I thought it'd be an even substitute. No, no, no, no, wrong. Tony's was way way way too mega salty, to the point that eating the chicken kind of made my stomach hurt. Jeff tried to pretend like it wasn't that bad, but I knew it was. Thank goodness I didn't make extra for leftovers!

Needless to say, I will not be attempting this recipe again. It was too terrible of a flop. If you' like to take a better stab, please share the results. You can grab the recipe here from Cooking Creation.

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