
PYRC #24: Egg-in-the-Hole Burger

Who wouldn't get excited about this post? It's a burger with an egg baked inside! Ok, maybe the people who are totally creeped out by having an egg on their burger, but that is totally not me.

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I made up this name. Sound ok? Because you literally make a hole in your hamburger patty and plop an egg right in the middle.

  • Make patties and place them in a hot skillet
  • Make a hole in each patty using a small cup or circular shaped object (we used a small wine glass)
  • Break the egg open in the middle of the patty
  • When ready, flip to finish cooking


I can't really say we did it wrong, but considering the middle of our burger was basically a boiled egg, I'm pretty sure we did it wrong.

HERE is what it was supposed to look like. This is what it did look like:

Since Jeff actually made the burgers, I have to give him all the credit. And since Jeff made them, maybe I should give him the credit for overcooking the egg too? Not.

I'm not exactly sure what we did wrong, but I think we made the patties too thick, and therefore the egg did not cook in a timely manner. Or maybe we just didn't have the skillet heat right. Since the egg wasn't cooking as quickly as the patty, we popped the burgers in the broiler for a bit to compensate and then ultimately cooked the eggs well-done. Making this was fun, but I think we'll stick with burgers topped with a standard fried egg next time so we can make sure to do it right.

In the end, who really cares about our overcooked egg? We topped this burger with Colby jack cheese, sliced red onion, sliced tomato, dill pickles, Frank's wing sauce and the sweet onion dip from our zucchini sticks recipe, and it was delicious, to say the least.

No recipe link for you today. Good luck winging this one!

1 comment:

  1. I am just going to throw this out there and I am probably completely wrong but....There is a similar recipe but with bread instead of a burger....I would think that next time maybe cook the burger almost completely....add a tab of butter to the center(so the egg won't stick to the pan) and then just cook the egg until it's over medium. Eggs don't take as long too cook so maybe by throwing the egg in at the last few minutes it will be the right consistency. Thoughts?


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