
Cute Patterned Target Melamine Plates

Ever since the wedding I've had cute melamine plates on my "to-buy" list. Specifically I've had them on my Target "to-buy" list (with wedding gift cards of course). It might not sound sensible to want another set of plates considering we just received new Fiestaware for the wedding, but realistically Fiesta dishes are just not always necessary for things like sandwiches and chips. And plus, I'd prefer to have something non-breakable on hand to eat on outside or to give to kids.

So luckily, after unsuccessfully finding cute plates on Target's website, I found the perfect patterned set in the actual store.

Then I bought ten of them (5 each) so that Jeff and I will NEVER run out of plates.

They also pair great with our solid colored Fiestaware and allow us to now retire our cheap green plates to a last resort reserve.

I would also like to note how addicting Target is in general and how it took me 30 minutes to get the aisle where the actual plates were. Of course I couldn't walk out of the store with only the things I went in for, so I decided to snag a KitchenAid mixer spatula along the way,

And a cute blue cardigan.

I also tried to walk away with this lamp,

But my conscience named Jeff told my impulse "no." Nonetheless I'm pretty sure I'll end up back in the store buying it.

So the actual point in the story? Nothing really besides that Target has cute patterned melamine plates that look "real," I am super excited I found them and super excited to use them, and I have a Target addiction... But really, who doesn't?

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  1. What is the name of the pattern on the target melamine dishes? Love it!

  2. Yikes, I cannot recall the name. Next time I stop into Target I will check. I remember looking at the name in the store and then googling it, but it was no where to be found online. Not sure why the plates are not on the Target website.

  3. Did you purchase these recently?? I have been on a mission to buy more of these. I purchased the entire stock at a target near my house last year and they dont exist on targets website and I need 10 more of the large plates and 10 more of the smaller plates. where are you located??

  4. I bought these a couple of months ago at the Montgomery Plaza (West 7th) Fort Worth (TX) location. I just went into the store today and they still have the patterns in the dinner plates, salad plates, and lots of others. They have the solid colors too. The blue pattern is M HOME TUSCAN GRN/BLUE and the red pattern is M HOME TUSCAN C/R. Hopefully with the pattern name you can do store-to-store shipping. If you need more info, please let me know.

  5. I have 5 Target stores within 30 miles of me that I regularly visit - Silly me, I didnt write down UPC numbers so I cant look them up and they dont exist online and no one in the stores seem to know what I am talking about hahah - maybe I'll have to fly to TX and get some there!! Thank you

  6. Jessica, I really hope you can find some. And I really wish my comment box would let me reply to you directly :) I took pictures of the UPC's. The #'s I have are PRS1105TEC (Dinner Plate - M Home Tuscan C/R), PRS1085TLC (Salad Plate - M Home Tuscan Grn/Blue), PRS1105TLC(Dinner Plate - M Home Tuscan G/B), PRS1085TEC (Salad Plate - M Home Tuscan CRM/RED)... I can email you the pictures too if you'd like. Let me know at

  7. I just purchased these plates! They are melamine though... not sure if they're the same or not but they are so cute!!


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