
DIY Pallet Wine Rack

Back in June I made Jeff take me to pick up a stack of pallets, seemingly against his will. I was determined to make a bulk quantity of Texas art pieces. Well, then we had my cousin's benefit coming up, and Jeff volunteered the idea to make pallet wine racks for the silent auction. "Ooooooo, new DIY project," I gleamed inside. I was pretty excited, especially considering it was his idea. And I didn't forget! Sure enough, after lots of "reminding," the week of the benefit, Jeff completed what I considered was two perfect pallet wine racks.

Jeff originally snagged the idea from a pallet wine rack at his friends house.

I was actually picturing a slightly different design I had seen on Pinterest.

Ultimately, Jeff created a version that was most efficient to make. And yes, I said, "he", because I didn't make any of it.

I give Jeff an A+ for these guys. He wasn't quite as excited. Nonetheless, they were both pretty lucrative silent auction items (one we sold with wine), and I'd consider that a big success!

If you'd at all be interested in purchasing one, please contact me, and I'll be in touch.


Don't forget to visit my shop, Kitsy Co!

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