
Greetings from Austin Part 1 - We've Moved!

The news is out, we're moving to Austin!

Ok, lie, the news has been out... and we've already moved.

Last Spring in a team meeting my boss made us create vision boards. We could literally make anything. I personally took the craft project very seriously and decided to make (with the resources available) a timeline of my life. My timeline started in Austin.

Note - That baby was not in the original plan! My co-worker added it. Sneaky, sneaky.

My boss told us that if we put the vision board in a place where we could see it every day, it would be more likely to come true - whether it be a goal, a personal quality, etc. I immediately pinned my vision board to my desk, and six months later I received the news that Jeff was offered a job in Austin, and we would be moving back. That was in November.

Since November, life has been an absolute whirlwind. Tell our friends, family and work. Finish all of our house updates. Make it through the holidays. Find renters for our house. Find a house to rent. Pack, move, say our goodbyes, transfer everything, etc, etc, etc. Oh, and keep everything else in life going as normal... what? I haven't even had time to write a blog post to say that I was moving and thus would not have the time to currently write blog posts. Not only that, but Jeff started his job (same company, new job) on January 6th, so we spent over a month living apart, only seeing each other on the weekends. It was tough, really tough.

Despite the long, drawn-out transition, we were quite lucky. We both got to transfer with our companies (literally not a day off of work), we found renters for our house quite quickly, we had family to lean on (and stay with) the entire time, and without kids yet, we didn't have to worry about moving an entire family. It was almost like "now or never." We've known for a very long time (ok, maybe all four years we lived in Dallas) that we wanted to end up back in Austin, and I'm thankful we didn't wait a day longer.

We're here! We're back! Officially, greetings from Austin!



Don't forget to visit my shop, Kitsy Co!

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