
PYRC #27: Central Market Love Dip

Central Market's love dip is just way too delicious, and if you haven't had it before, you're missing out. As we devoured it at work one day with cocktail bread, I decided, “Why not make it?” I googled a recipe, pinned it and today am adding it to my never-ending Pinterest Yummy Recipe Challenge list.

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I had no doubt that the cream cheese goodness would be just as good homemade, and I was definitely... wrong. Was it good? Yes. Was it like Central Market's version? No, not at all.

Actually, the rendition - recipe from Homesick Texan - completely missed a main ingredient, garlic. Typically I have to chase love dip with a tooth brush and tooth paste, so to not include garlic in the recipe, fail. I added some on my own, but that didn't really help my cause.

One day I'm going to make love dip again, but next time I'm following the ingredient label and figuring out the measurements on my own.

If that fails, I'm going to Central Market!

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