
PYRC #25: Chicken Enchiladas with Avocado Cream Sauce

What do you get when you cross a Mexican food craving, no desire to spend money eating out and a plethora of ripened avocados? Homemade chicken enchiladas with avocado cream sauce.

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I had actually never made enchiladas before, but when a tinge for them crossed my pallet, I knew it was an opportune Pinterest moment. Shockingly, I followed the recipe step by step, and served with black beans and our favorite cilantro lime rice, the result was "da bomb!"

This is the part where I love to give tips, advice, disclaimers and modifications on the recipe, but today I do not have any because I am new to the enchilada making world. These enchiladas really were delicious and pretty easy to make, and if I hadn't been comparing mine to Gloria's (because we all know that's realistic), I might have even claimed that the recipe couldn't be more perfect.Nonetheless, if I had a more than two-person household, enchiladas would definitely be on the menu more often.

Thank you It's What's for Dinner for sharing this recipe. It definitely made our night (week), and I definitely recommend that others try it.


  1. My husband would love these and I will definitely give it a try on our Mexican night. Thanks for sharing and I am following you now. I enjoyed visiting your blog and would love for you to follow along.

    1. The definitely were delicious, and I'm confident you'll enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. So glad they turned out great! yum yum!!


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