
Liebster Blog Award

In addition to my first feature last week, I told you I had some more exciting blog news to share. In my rookie year of blogging, I have been nominated by Susan at Organized 31 for the Liebster Blog Award!

What is the Liebster Award?

A designation given by bloggers to other up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. With only 19 followers (come on people, I know I have more frequent visitors than that), I definitely qualify. The purpose of it is to show appreciation, sprinkle some kudos and help spread the word about blogs. I must say, it DEFINITELY made me feel loved.

Rules of the Award
  1. Write 11 random things about yourself
  2. Answer 11 questions that the nominator set for you
  3. Create 11 questions for your nominees
  4. Nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers (link them in your post, let them know they’ve been nominated, no tag back!)
11 Random Things About Me
  1. I know all the words to “I’ve Been Everywhere (Texas)” by Brian Burns
  2. I own 26 reusable bags and counting!
  3. I’m addicted to Suddenly Salad pasta. Classic is my fave.
  4. I’m Czech… I’m from the Czech town of Ennis, my great grandparents were from the Czech Republic (or great great?), my grandmother speaks Czech, I had a Czech wedding, I own a Czech costume, I know how to polka, etc.
  5. I used to have a thick country accent (well, Ennis accent) until Austin kicked it right out of me.
  6. I used to be the pickiest person EVER (bread and meat only, please), until I was 20. I attribute the change to Austin, my husband (then boyfriend) and working at Pappadeaux. Praise the lord because I LOVE to cook.
  7. I could totally be a professional sunflower seed spitter (David’s ranch flavor preferred).
  8. I am direct and straight-forward, yet the most indecisive person in the world.
  9. I can do a creepy double jointed thing with my shoulder blades that really weirds people out.
  10. I can eat a bowl of pizza sauce and cheese like it’s going out of style.
  11. I’m not much of a reader, but if I do read, I LOVE self-help books. This year’s list includes Millionaire Next Door, I Will Teach You to be Rich, Workout Balls for Dummies, and How to Win Friends & Influence People.
 Response to Susan’s Questions for Me
  1. What is your earliest memory? I lived in California when I was very little and have a vague memory of driving to the park, opening the door when we were stopped at a corner and seeing leaves piled against the curb. However, I think this recollection may be a memory from a dream, and somehow over time, I associated it with a childhood memory. Seriously though, I can’t remember much from when I was little. Most memories are from videos and pictures.
  2. Who influenced you most in school? My high school student council sponsor/leadership instructor, Mr. Turney. He let us shoot for the stars, even when he thought we’d miss, and was by far my most interesting teacher. Fun and creativity ran deep under his reign.
  3. What is one country you would like to visit? Costa Rica for some MEGA-adventures. I contemplated it for my honeymoon but chose to go somewhere a little more off-the-grid since I knew I’d be heading to Costa Rica one day anyway, honeymoon or not.
  4. What's your all-time favorite song? I’m indecisive… and you’re asking me to pick just one song?!? Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen…. which totally doesn’t define my music genre, but love the Boss!
  5. Do you use your turn signal every time you make a turn when you're driving? No. 50-75% of the time, depending on the situation. My tendency to not use it normally occurs when other cars are not around, my hands are occupied (yeah, that’s safe), or I’m lost and making abrupt decisions.
  6. What's your favorite dessert? Chocolate mousse parfait, preferably with raspberries. Runner-ups: frozen snickers, ice cream, tres leches and almost any other kind of parfait/trifle (cake/pudding combo counts).
  7. What's one crazy, cah-razy thing you'd like to do? I’ve already sky-dived, soooo, bungee jump off a bridge over water! (I’ve done a regular bungee, so it has to be spiced up a bit.)
  8. What accomplishment gives you the most satisfaction? Meeting President George W. Bush at the White House my senior year of high school through the United States Senate Youth Program. Receiving the USSYP scholarship was a shining moment in itself. Meeting the president was icing on the cake.
  9. If you could go back and change one thing in your life, what would it be? Taking three years of Spanish in high school rather than French. I made a 98 in my French 3 AP class, and the most elaborate thing I can say is, “J’ai perdue ma tortue,” (I lost my turtle). Plus, it totally put me a leg behind in college Spanish and forced me to take the intro class that I could have otherwise skipped.
  10. If you could have chosen your own first name, what would it be? No change here. I love my name! However, when I was little I thought Marie was a pretty lame middle name and wanted something more like Nicole. But now that I’m older, I appreciate the family pass-down (it’s my mom’s middle name), and I will definitely continue to pass it down if I have a daughter.
  11. Who would you like to sit next to on a 10-hour plane ride? Nicole Curtis from DIY Network’s Rehab Addict. Can I be her?
Questions for my Nominees
  1. Favorite ice cream flavor?
  2. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
  3. What inspired you to start blogging?
  4. Where is your most unique scar, and how’d you get it?
  5. If you could drop everything to pursue your dream career, what would it be?
  6. How many kids do you have or want?
  7. We’re going on vacation. Where are we going?
  8. What is your favorite motto/quote/saying?
  9. We’re opening a restaurant. What kind of restaurant are we opening?
  10. Name a guilty pleasure.
  11. What are your top three arts and crafts weapons?
My Liebster Blog Nominees
  1. Ohoh Blog 
  2. Making Home Base 
  3. Jenkins Kid Farm 
  4. Sunny Sweet Life 
  5. Project Lovegood
  6. Sarah Jane Sews 
  7. Simple Serendipities
  8. Family Home and Life
  9. This Silly Girl’s Life 
  10. A Smith of All Trades 
  11. A Southern Lady
Cannot wait to see everyone’s responses. Once again, thanks Susan at Organized 31 for nominating me!


  1. I just saw your comment on my blog, which brought me here and I just want to say thank you! I honestly hadn't heard of this until today and it was just before your comment. I saw it on someone's blog and I got lost in reading all of their answers and now I'm enjoying reading yours. I thought, man that's pretty cool of other bloggers to do!

    I thought I was bad, with my 10 or so reusable bags! :)

    Yay for another Austin blogger! I was hoping to find more Austin bloggers! I also love your "I am a roadkill rescuer" image on the right. I might have to use that button! :) I can't count how many pieces of furniture I've pulled out of the trash, next to the trash, and just out and about and fixed up. :)

    Thanks again! I'm off to post about this today. Know that you made me smile and I'm a new follower now. :) Thanks Kendra!

    Project Lovegood

    1. You are more than welcome, and I am so glad to hear the excitement has been paid forward! Whoever originated the concept sure was spot on, as it sure is a day brightener.

      As for Austin, I'm actually a DFW resident currently but graduated from UT and have every intention to be back, sooner than later. We are there all the time as we have many family and friends there. Best city ever.

    2. Well I had fun writing that post with my answers!

      It's funny you say that because we just moved from Arlington to Austin. I grated from UTA. :) I really do think Austin is one of the greatest cities. We were applying out of state because Texas wasn't jiving with us but holy Austin Batman, it's nothing like the rest of Texas. I love it!

  2. Hey Kendra,

    This is great! Thanks so much for the nomination! I love all the Q&A! This'll take me a few days, but I'll definitely participate! Thanks! I'm honored! :)

    1. You're welcome! The Q&A is a lot of fun, but I definitely feel you on the time factor. I think it took me a week to finally write out my thoughts and pick new prospects. I actually came across your blog from a link party - Made by You Monday, I think - the autumn wood box centerpiece. Link parties are a great source for blogs gaining to seek more visibility.

    2. I have not participated much in link parties until very recently. Can't believe the traffic I've gotten from a bonus is that you and I connected! :)

      Okay, my Liebster post is up! The hardest part is finding blogs that qualify AND that I love! But it was super fun! Thanks again!

    3. Oh, I meant to give the post link:


  3. Thanks so much for the nomination! I will definitely be accepting, might take me a week or so though hehe

    1. You're welcome. No worries on taking your time. I definitely took mine!

    2. I finally got my post up! If you want to check it out here is the link:

  4. Thanks Kendra! I just post the answers on my blog!

  5. Thanks for the nomination!! I'm so exited to answer the questions and nominate others. You've got a great blog over here :)

  6. Thanks again, Kendra. Here are my answers. Happy Tuesday!

    1. I guess it would be helpful to leave a link, huh?


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