
PYRC #21: Spaghetti in Garlic Gravy with Herbs and Lemon Marinated Chicken and Cherry Tomatoes

For some reason this recipe really caught my attention from the moment I pinned it. I actually thought it was just a side, per the description "summer spaghetti," but after diving in I realized I had met a full-on meal – spaghetti in garlic gravy with herbs and lemon marinated chicken and cherry tomatoes.

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Sounds good huh? Yup, it was, but to be the total Debbie Downer, it was not as delectable as I expected. I enjoy really strong flavors – garlic, salt, vinegar, etc. – and this was just too mild for me. However, that does not mean you and everyone else will not love it. It's something you can cook, and everyone will enjoy, even the meat and potatoes man.

Some comments:
  • Add salt, preferably garlic salt
  • Add more basil
  • Definitely let the chicken marinade over night
  • Don't ignore the rosemary (like I did) because it really does add a good flavor
  • Chicken can be grilled or sautéed
  • Grated parmesan cheese.... hmmm, definitely missed the word “grated”

So, to be honest, I won't be making this again. I make a mean wine and vinegar sautéed mushroom, garlic, onion and feta spaghetti that is just so much better, and I am 100% biased towards it. This is a good recipe, though, just not for me.

You be the judge. Find the recipe here at Goddess of Scrumptiousness Recipes.

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