
Pinterest for Men + Make-Your-Own Cooking Spray

The combination of men and Pinterest is all too a rarity, and up until I watched my husband benefit from the female-crazed site, I was sure there was no hope for the marriage of the two. However, I am now a firm believer that Pinterest CAN being man-friendly, and maybe one day when the site duplicates, changes its name and perceived concept, restricts boards to only manly categories, and declares itself a boys-only zone, men will be just as much of fanatics as women. What? Websites can't undergo sex changes? Lol, yeah right.

Seriously though, I really witnessed Jeff test out a pin. He was watching me scroll through my pin feed, and when I passed over make-your-own cooking spray, he made me go back to see what it was all about.

Picture and Cooking Spray Recipe from  Natures Nurture Blog

A couple of hours later when he was cooking chicken and needed to spray the grill, guess what Jeff remembered? The make-your-own cooking spray. He added 1 part olive oil to 5 parts water in our nifty Martha Stewart Spray Can Misto, and low and behold, we had homemade PAM!

So that's it. My husband successfully used a pin all with his own will and might.

The point in this post? Nothing more than the fact that all of the sudden I didn't feel so crazy for loving Pinterest so much. Do I think men will ever actively flock towards the site and become avid users? Absolutely not, but for one moment in time, Jeff was a pinner!!!

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