
We Have an Office!

When I walked into flowers and chocolate covered strawberries in my kitchen at 7 a.m. on Valentine's Day, I only THOUGHT that the day was perfect. In reality a post-work surprise was waiting to put the icing on the cake... A finished office! I completely forgot to mention it in yesterday’s post.

So yes, it's true, we are FINALLY re-gaining an office. For a girl who is an arts, crafts, projects, papers, organizer freak, not having my own office for the past 6 months has been extremely rough. Do you know how many planned projects I have that I cannot start until I have an office? Tons. And now it's finally time to move forward.

While the office started out just like any other room in our house, adorned with carpet, brown trim, and super modern curtains, it actually had a positive note, a soft green color on the wall.

It was actually a color very similar to what we painted in our bedroom, and if we weren't completely re-doing every other room in the house, I would have highly considered keeping it. But we are doing every other room so EVERYTHING is getting a makeover.

1st Step: Strip the carpet and baseboards in order to prep for the floor.

2nd Step: Strip and scrape the paint on the floor, grind the concrete, and seal the floor (floor was not yet sealed in the next two photos). 

Potent product.

3rd Step: New baseboards, new electrical plates, paint the trim, and paint the closets. 

Jeff was a little freaked out by how burnt orange it came out, but Longhorn or not, it's a great office color.

Still need to paint the shelves.

4th Step: Get rid of this stupid garage sale clothes rack (courtesy of my MeMaw) from our living room and then set up the office.

5th and Final Step: Finish closet shelves, new blinds, add crown molding, and project my life away!

All in all, the office is DONE! And I am SOOOOO excited. If you missed our master bedroom makeover, you can check it out here. As far as our guest bedroom... coming soon!

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