
Pinterest Yummy Recipes Challenge #2: Creamy Avocado Risotto

Last week I loaded up on 50 cent avocados from Sunflower Market and since they really needed to be used, I decided to tackle the Creamy Avocado Barley Risotto recipe from my Pinterest Yummy Recipes board. The recipe actually called for pearled barley, but since I didn't feel like going to the store, I winged a rendition with short grain brown rice.

To be honest, I wasn't too excited to make the recipe. 1 - For the fact that the blogger who wrote it added a disclaimer that it might not actually taste great since she made it when she was sick. 2 - For the fact that it didn't really sound amazing. BUT I promised myself I would attempt all my Pinterest recipes (I mean I did pin it for a reason in the first place), so attempt I did.

Luckily the recipe was pretty easy to make. Basically I blended together avocado, lemon juice, olive oil, and seasonings and then mixed the mixture in with the cooked rice.

Since I went to heavy on the lemon juice (that's what I get for not following the recipe) I also blended in some shaved Parmesan cheese for extra flavor. How did it turn out?

Well, let's just say we're lucky that Jeff knows how to grill perfect chicken because the avocado risotto just didn't make the cut. It wasn't bad necessarily, but it was not something I desire to ever make again. The entire table agreed.

So anyway, if you'd like to try it out you can find the recipe here from Oh She Glows. If you do attempt it though, I hope your effort turns out a bit more delicious than mine.

2 Pinterest recipes down and MANY more to go.

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