1. Use sponge rollers for painting smooth surfaces like built-ins and shelves. Jeff has turned me on to these suckers, and I love them. I've used them for my closet shelving, my bookshelf makeover, window sills and living room built-ins. Home Depot has multiple sizes to suit your specific painting needs.
6 Tips I've Learned About Painting
You would think for as much art as I have painted that I would be a pretty awesome house painter, but I'm not. I'm actually very slow and meticulous, like I'm painting a painting, and that does not always work in my favor. However, considering I've painted more walls and trim in the past few weeks than I've painted in my entire life, I have gotten better and learned a few tips along the way. Some of these may be "hello obvious" to you all, but some may teach you something new as well. Note: I am definitely not an expert, nor am I pretending to be one.
PYRC #12: Baked Pesto Chicken and Cilantro Thai Grilled Chicken
This blog post is about none other than chicken - Baked Chicken Pesto and Cilantro Thai Grilled Chicken. Since chicken is such a staple in our diet (not a lose-weight thing) and since we had the ingredients on hand, these recipes were easy to squeeze in for dinner. I made both of them for dinner (separate nights) a couple of weeks ago.
Baked Pesto Chicken
Baked Pesto Chicken
iPic Theater Review
Jeff and I received an iPic gift card for Christmas, and last week we finally went and used it at the Fairview, TX location. I had been hoarding it for a little while because I really wanted to wait and see Snow White and The Huntsman. In addition, I figured we could really use the break in the middle of our remodel.
Remodel Continued.... Almost There!
Earlier this week my grandpa posted a picture of me on Facebook with the following caption, "Learned at a young age!"
Remodel Kickoff with the Family
Have I mentioned that I have the most amazing family ever? Or that I have the most supportive, helpful family ever? Or that I'm from a family of machines who have made this remodel possible? Well if not, now you know. Seriously, words cannot express the gratitude that Jeff and I have towards everyone
who has helped us thus far.
It started last weekend with Ben (who might as well be part of the family), MeMaw and Mom. Ben and Jeff ripped out carpet and tile and Mom, MeMaw and I de-wallpapered our entry way (such a pain).
who has helped us thus far.
It started last weekend with Ben (who might as well be part of the family), MeMaw and Mom. Ben and Jeff ripped out carpet and tile and Mom, MeMaw and I de-wallpapered our entry way (such a pain).